Thursday 29 April 2010

Updated Trailer Research

This trailer for the yet unreleased Edgar Wright film 'Scott Pilgrim vs The World' displays the type of trailer that presents a series of tasks that the lead character must complete. The consistent issue of his dilemma is something that as a group we have decided would be a great addition to our film.

Juno is another studio release that is created in the style of a low budget indie dramedy. This can be seen in the 'hand drawn' aspects of the trailer, and is all a huge influence on our trailer. Such elements as the awkward comedic dialogue is also influencial.

Nick & Norah's Infinite Playlist is much like Juno in its style. A low budget indie film which, in this case, is more leniant towards the comedic aspects. Again, the use of 'hand drawn' text within the film is something that we hope to include in our trailer. The similar awkward humour to Juno is also something that we hope will subsequently be assisting our trailer.

(500) Days of Summer is a low budget indie dramedy that's unique style of storytelling, mixed with its strange and incredibly deep character development is certainly one of the key influences in our trailer. Again, it uses 'hand drawn' elements and has awkward comedic moments.

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