Friday 23 April 2010

How has my creativity developed through using digital technology to complete my coursework productions?

Throughout the production of the coursework my creativity has benefited from the inclusion of such technologies as the editing software ‘Windows Movie Maker’, and the online video streaming website ‘YouTube’. ‘Windows Movie Maker’ was an easy introduction into video editing, and although it did not offer the range of possible editing techniques that have been promised for a future software, it was perfectly acceptable for the level of editing that was necessary at the point in time. ‘YouTube’ was pivotal in both the pre-production and post-production, as using the website for research materials when planning the basic ideas, plot and before filming to gain influential camerawork ideas from specific feature film scenes Another key factor towards the pre-production of the coursework was the benefit of DVD’s that were essential in the research process and examples for how we would like to film specific segments, for example, the 2002 Danny Boyle directed horror film 28 Days Later, and the 2004 Zack Snyder remake of the classic horror film Dawn of the Dead, both included strong influences for what we hoped the antagonist of the production would share physical attributed with. Other films from the ‘slasher’ genre that we hoped to benefit from viewing were available to watch online from sites like YouTube and Metacafe, such as John Carpenter’s Halloween and Tobe Hooper’s Texas Chainsaw Massacre.

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