Friday 23 April 2010

5 websites that allow readers/users/contributors to create or participate in a collective identity Movie Reviews, News, Trailers and Discussion - The specific identity that allows users to broadcast over the internet is that of a superficial subject, in this instance it is Movies. The website allows for users to comment on the latest news or articles in a comment box underneath the article, this therefore allowing for personal opinions of film enthusiasts all over the world. Often a desire for acceptance and popularity leads to a 'one-up' nature in the comments, in which arguments and tests of someone's knowledge of films are apparent in order to create a certain persona. It could be argued that this is a perfect example of Maslow's hierarchy of needs, in which the lust for a reader or contributor to log in to this site and exert their opinions and ideas in order for them to gain acceptance and importance amongst a group of peers.(Example of an article in which users are free to comment on)

The BBC Sport 606 Service - This service run by the BBC allows users to create discussions on an incredibly broad amount of subjects to do with sport in the country. The draw of this is often that over the radio certain broadcasters on BBC Radio 5-Live would read out the 606 comments if they are making a good point or are a poignant discussion. They also are quoted on front page news articles. Whilst this is also a repeat of the previous point about Maslow's hierarchy of needs, due to it being the desire to stand out and be accepted amongst a society of sports fanatics. Identities are constructed mainly through the addition of comments based around more than just a specfic sport, but certain teams within certain leagues at certain stages in a season. This sometimes minute by minute discussion board displays what is essentially the most accurate that sports discussion can get whilst also allowing the less hardcore fans the ability to log in and discuss things at a minor level.(Example of a discussion on a current point which has been paraphrased in the genuine article)

Facebook - As the fifth most popular website in the world and the most popular social networking site, Facebook is essentially the world hub of broadcasting identities to the world. Due to the sheer number of people on the website, it allows for the largest scope of identities available, and the ability for each and every member to link in some way. There are two stand out aspects of the website which allow people to display their identities in the way they would like to and how they would like other people to view them. These are through the profile picture, which instantly states a first impression amongst anybody who visits the page. The other stand out aspect is the 'Info' section, which whoever creates the profile lists their favourite movies, books, music, hobbies and interests, whilst also writing a small bio of themselves. The strange thing about this section is that only friends can read this, so essentially the people who do read it already know who the person is, therefore, the bio is just the persona that the person writing it is hoping the reader will buy in to. Interpellation is another example of Facebook's continued efforts to group together as many people as possible into specific shared identities, and they do this in another key way, being targeted adverts. These usually base themselves around your interests, such as "Do you like The Arctic Monkeys? Then you'll love..." and giving you the link to either purchase their music or join a fan club.

Youtube - Youtube is another example of one of the most popular sites on the internet that takes a different approach to appealing to its contributors. the site is essentially just a whole database of videos that can be uploaded by anybody with access to the internet, and instantly allows an incredibly vast amount of people to watch and listen to certain things and create an identity based around their own interests within the entertainment world. The videos are always specific to a target audience, albeit some are more specific than others, yet all videos have a comment box in order for them to create discussions amongst fans and their opposites. Also, Channels and Categories split up those who are undecided about what they would like to see, and help to include the viewing public into more identity groups.

Twitter - Twitter is fast becoming one of the most used websites in the world, and its draw is due to its 'Followers' aspect, in which if you write something interesting, poignant or funny, another member of Twitter can read it an choose to follow you. Therefore, every time you write something, the message will appear on another person's home page. It's all very technical, but the method of following specific people who appeal to something that you are interested in an example of just how collective identities are formed and developed so easily over the internet. Another large part of Twitter is the 'Trending Topics' section, in which the most talked about things at that moment in time are frequently updated, and the talked about things are chosen for the 'Trending Topics'. This then causes Twitter users to discuss their views on the topic and group together whether they are seeing the topic in a positive or negative light.

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