Friday 23 April 2010

First Shoot

The filming process was a great success, and filming late at night offered as many benefits as it did set backs. The main benefit of the 1AM filming was that the streets were completely empty, and helped give an air of realism to our film that centres on its insomniac protagonist. The darkness was also a great help as our original hope of only lighting the scene through the streetlights available was accomplished. The limitations that were obvious during the shoot were mainly that of tiredness and weather conditions. Due to it being filmed so late, some of the members of the group found it difficult to focus entirely on the piece and were obviously finding it much more difficult to be at their full potential on set. The weather conditions were the other limitation as we were filming in an infamous area for high winds, and especially at this time of the year, we discovered we were filming at -2°. This was an obvious inconvenience to both the actor, who was needed to wear a shirt with no coat or jacket, and for the person filming who, due to the cold, was subject to incredibly shaky hands.

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